
Real People. Real Love. Real Magic.

Welcome to a new kind of Reality TV. Mallison TV. 

Where you’ll find Real People. Real Love. Real Magic.


You have just discovered a ground-breaking resource that has been lovingly created to help you, just by watching our shows, to gently and easily release resistance, allow your vibration to rise, and begin to experience an even more enjoyable life.

The entire cast & crew of Mallison TV are students of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, and week after week we play together in the most delicious of ways, raising our vibrations higher and higher on topic after topic. And our shows gives you access to watching us do it and experience your own vibration rising along with us.

We are eager to welcome and include everyone who wishes to access the source of the well-being, freedom & love that you'll see in our episodes.

That source is Source. And as you may already know, that can only be found within and through you!

The programs found on Mallison TV are designed to help you nurture and strengthen your connection to Source. And in doing so, you will begin to experience an enhanced level of freedom, well-being, and ease in your life.


Mallison TV is for you if you are craving: 

  • An enhanced relationship with yourself.
  • Positive, uplifting shows that encourage your personal connection with Source, and model the awareness of that connection.
  • A deeper understanding of how to integrate the teachings of Abraham-Hicks in a practical way.
  • A source of feedback that reminds you of your power and innate wisdom.
  • Calibration processes that are extremely effective, playful, and fun.
  • Frequent and consistent vibrational attunement.
  • A connection with a community of authentic and open people from all around the world, focused on allowing the life of their dreams to unfold before them.

Introducing the Mallison TV Core Channels


Finding Alignment Series on the Mallison TV Network 

The Gina and Opra Sessions 

Access to Gina and Opra's Private 1:1 Sessions

This series allows you to go behind the scenes on Gina Mallison's incredible journey of vibrational mastery with the help of Infinite Intelligence, Opra.

Opra's answers to Gina's questions are universal, and the vibration of well-being that is pulsed throughout these sessions will guide you into alignment over and over again. Effortlessly. Lovingly. Pleasurably.

What You Can Expect



This is the community you’ve always dreamed of. Filled with authentic, open, and eager friends who are in love with expansion and actively becoming fuller versions of themselves. Everyone you watch on these calls will begin to feel like family to you, and you'll have opportunities to connect with many of them if you so desire.


Experience a More Enjoyable, Pleasurable Life

This is feel-good TV. You will constantly be reminded that you are a worthy being. That's there's nothing you need to achieve or prove in order for you to experience your desires.

With each episode you watch, you can expect to increase your ability to:

  • Feel safe, loved, and seen by Source
  • Allow your desires to flow into your experience with more ease
  • Identify and release attachments to limiting beliefs
  • Sense, feel, and evolve low vibrational set-points to higher
  • Reconnect with your knowing of worthiness and well-being
  • Feel good, feel free, and BE free

Your love of self will grow. Your love of others will become more. Your love of life will blossom in magnificent ways.

Authenticity, connection, love, fun, freedom, and abundance of all good things - you'll find that here on Mallison TV.



Tune In to Tune Up with ease. New episodes with delicious content are added almost daily, and with access to a library with hundreds of on-demand replays, there’s never a shortage of juicy shows to tune into.

And by watching regularly, you will naturally and effortlessly begin to experience the extraordinary results of positive momentum. The more frequently you allow yourself to vibrate in resonance with well-being, the more ease and magic you’ll experience in your life - it’s as simple as that.



Each episode is customized and directed to answer the active questions in the live group and the audience, whether you ever get in the “hot seat” to ask your question directly or not. Just like in an Abraham-Hicks workshop, the flow of information and vibrations provided in these calls will attune you to receive the answers to the questions you have active at the time.



Calibrations & Method Training

While watching the episodes, you’ll be calibrating to your well-being just by being present and listening. In addition, Gina provides Mallison Method calibrations to hot-seaters on most episodes; allowing you to close your eyes and follow along with the process yourself in order to release resistance and spend time resonating with your inner being.

Plus, with a subscription to the Mallison TV Core Channels, you will have access to all of the recordings of the Mallison Method Training Program. YES! You can learn to do this magical process too! It's easy to learn by watching and it's SUPER fun! You can practice with friends, you can find other subscribers to practice with and trade sessions with. You can even use this method to become a brilliant professional guide for others. The amount of resources available within Mallison TV is almost shocking ;) Take advantage of it all, it’s all here for YOU! 


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